Edge Types

Edge Types

Convex: The convex edge originated in Japan. The Japanese word for this type of edge basically means clam shell. Due to its thin, sharp edges, this type of edge work cuts through hair smoothly and effortlessly. The 45 degree angles of these edges allow for a precise cutting experience for all techniques.  Most high quality shears on the market today will have a Convex Edge.
Bevel:  Due to the steep angle of the cutting edge, approximately 35 degrees, excess force is needed to perform cuts. To compensate for the lack of sharpness the edges are sometimes serrated and twisted. This style of edge work is suitable for blunt cutting but not for more advanced cutting techniques. They tend to run loud and rough.  All titanium scissors have this Beveled Edge.

K-Blade: Convex edges maintain a soft, sharp cutting experience. The exaggerated radius shaped blade prevents the hair from being pushed through the shear providing a clean, effortless cut. This allows you to create the tussled appearance and movement that brings the hair to life. This increased sense of stability makes this blade design your number one choice for dry/wet, slide, and stroke cutting.
Sword Blade: This series has one sword blade and one clam shell (or convex) edge. The sword blade provides extra power to the blade for superior precision cutting. As a shear increases in length, it decreases in power. Not so with the sword blade. A Sword Blade Shear has a ridge running the length of the blade, allowing for powerful cuts despite the length. Create that airy, messy look desired by many. The sword blade makes this "What you see is what you get” style of dry cutting obtainable, blissful, and enjoyable.
Forged: The forging process produces the longest lasting and most durable shears available. During this process the heated steel is placed in the mold and a ram weighing as much as 1000 pounds is dropped onto it. This compresses the metal resulting in a shear with the molecules being closer together. The result is improved strength and edge retention. 
Cast: The casting process produces a shear that is brittle and susceptible to breaking. The molten steel is poured into a mold and cooled. As the shear cools the molecules become separated causing a weak spot.

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